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  • Writer's pictureKirby Smith

$10mil to Women's Financial Literacy!

Sing it from the rooftops!

A new not-for-profit body, ecstra, has been established as a one-stop-shop to help Australians build their financial literacy and capability.

ecstra will provide educational support to increase Australians’ awareness of financial products and services, as well as administer grants to support specific initiatives to boost the capabilities of Australians across the country.

ecstra will have a particular focus on enhancing the financial capability of Australian women.

The Minister for Women, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP, said the Coalition Government has committed $10 million to ecstra to support initiatives that will help to ensure Australian women are in control of their financial lives, now and into the future.

“Financial capability is critical for the economic empowerment of Australia’s women,” Minister O’Dwyer said.

“ecstra will be to financial literacy and capability what beyondblue has been to mental health.”

“When it comes to money, women face many challenges. Time out of the workforce can mean a lower super balance, the pressures of the family budget or single parenting can make money a challenging issue.”

Minister O’Dwyer said that over the past few decades, Australia has taken great strides in improving women’s economic independence and security.

“Even though we have come a long way, we still want Australian women to be able to do even better, which is why I will deliver the inaugural Women’s Economic Security Statement this Tuesday,” Minister O’Dwyer said.

“When women do well, their families do well, and our economy and nation prospers,” Minister O’Dwyer concluded.;query=Id:%22media/pressrel/6342003%22;src1=sm1

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