Help! My Relationship has Ended
Financial Reassurance
1.5 hour appointment
Access to the Wealth Report
Your own budgeting template
$200 + GST*
1½ cups
3 cups
Guidance on professionals to contact
$200+GST* - “Help! My Relationship has Ended”
Includes one 1.5 hour appointment (operating hours are 8am to 9pm Monday to Thursday) where we will discuss:
Your Income and Expenses
Banking Structures and how you can set up financially after your separation
Checklists and References for preparation of your finances prior to separation
Guidance on Professionals to contact
Brainstorm on Financial Priorities
Detailed view of your Assets and Liabilities
Next Steps Email
Separating from your partner can be really difficult and it can also be hard on your finances. You may feel overwhelmed as there are many things to sort out.
I created this meeting structure after many Women approached me in 2018 confused and in need to direction on their financial situation once they had found out they are separating from their partners. Sometimes, you just need someone to talk it through with. A person who is not in your immediate circle of family or friends.
Your post-divorce financial situation may be significantly different in a variety of ways. If you are no longer the owner of your home—which for most Australians, is their largest financial asset—you will inevitably experience changes regarding your total wealth and total liquidity.
Other common sources of change include the sudden need for maintenance payments, child support payments, or a sudden loss of income. If any of these changes do end up occurring, your financial plan will need to reflect that. This first appointment will be General in nature and will help you to manage your most immediate need of cash flow and creating an overall picture of where you are financially. From here, if you wish to proceed with financial advice, you will move to our Financial Planning arm - Two Mile Bay Financial Planning where Kirby will become your financial adviser.
Ultimately you need to protect yourself for the future by having in place a spending and investment plan, all necessary insurances, an emergency fund for the unexpected big bill and all legal work sorted out. Other aspects include updating your will and checking your superannuation beneficiary. These are all aspects Kirby can guide you through with our Financial Planning Services. However, if all you are after is some guidance and someone to offer reassurance then this Wealth Mentoring Session is a great start.
At the end of this session, I will provide you some information flyers for further reading via email, a login to our Wealth Report and a copy of our Budgeting Booklet.
You should walk away form this appointment with a clearer head, a list of questions that may need to be answered by other professionals and an understanding of your spending habits and how you are going to put one foot in front of the other for the next few months.
By completing our “Relationship has Ended” package, you will gain financial confidence, reassurance and a financial mentor to help you through the minefield of professionals you need to seek advice from.
Call Kirby today to arrange your personalised wealth mentoring package on 0433 378 434 or email kirby@womensfinancialeducation.com.au
​* $200 + GST package includes travel up to 15kms from Torquay for each appointment. If you wish for Kirby to travel further, a fee of $5+GST per km will apply (for any travel over 15kms and will cover travel). Kirby has venues in Torquay available for appointments during and after hours if it suits you to travel to Torquay.
Please Note: these sessions are “General Advice” only. They do not consider your personal circumstances.
You have requested a “wealth mentoring session” with one of our financial planners to discuss your financial situation in a General Nature. This may include running over content from the Women’s Financial Education course or more information on how to set up a budget or banking structure. You may wish for us to look at your investments in your super and provide you with information on where you are invested.
General Advice Warning
Please note, the information (including taxation) discussed in our appointment is general in nature and may not be relevant to your individual circumstances. You should refrain from doing anything in reliance on this information without first obtaining suitable professional personal advice. You should obtain and consider a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any decision to acquire a product
Tax Agent Warning
Please note that your adviser is not a registered tax agent under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009; and if you intend to rely on the information provided in our meeting to satisfy liabilities or obligations or claim entitlements that arise, or could arise, under a taxation law, you should request advice from a registered tax agent.